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Masterclass Dutch Employment Law for HR

Navigating Dutch Employment Legislation for Global HR

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Dive into the essentials of Dutch employment law with our in-company masterclass. Specifically crafted for HR professionals operating on a global scale, this masterclass delivers an in-depth and comprehensive update on Dutch employment legislation, critical case law, and best practices in the Netherlands.

In a world where the Netherlands emerges as a key gateway for international companies in Europe, understanding the intricate landscape of Dutch employment law is crucial. This masterclass, led by Joost Kokje of Wieringa Advocaten, provides essential knowledge to swiftly adapt and refine your HR operations within Dutch jurisdiction.

Customizable to Your Needs

This in-company masterclass is fully customizable to meet your specific requirements. The topics listed below are merely examples. We always plan an intake with the customer to ensure the program is as practical and suited to your needs as possible.

What will you learn?

  • The fundamentals of equal treatment throughout the employment lifecycle.
  • Initiating employment relationships: conducting interviews and background checks.
  • The nuances of various employment relationships and their implications.
  • Best practices for remote working arrangements.
  • Handling employee illness and statutory entitlements efficiently.
  • Insights into employee termination, performance management, and disciplinary actions.

What will it bring you?

After following this training, you will have:

  • A clear understanding of Dutch employment law essentials.
  • The ability to navigate the complexities of employment relationships in the Netherlands.
  • Practical knowledge on managing remote teams under Dutch law.
  • Expertise in handling statutory entitlements and employment terminations.
  • Confidence in implementing performance and disciplinary procedures.

Who is this program for?

This program is specically made for HR advisors, HR Business Partners, HR managers and recruitment managers wanting to get a grip on Dutch employment law.

Get started with your own team

We offer this interesting program as an in-company training. That means we organize this program in-house for your (HR) team. An in-company program is tailored to fit and directly applicable to your own work situation. For more information, please contact us.

10:00 – 11:00 - Hiring

  • Initiating employment relationship – job interview and background check.
  • Equal treatment when hiring.
  • Different employment relationships and consequences.
  • Remote working.

11:10 – 12:30 – essentials during employment

  • Statutory limitations and entitlement. E.g. working hours act, holiday, minimum wage entitlements other types of leave.
  • Illness during employment.
  • The basics of performance management.
  • The basics of taking disciplinary action.
  • Business secrets and non-competitions covenants.
  • Workplace safety.

12:45 – 14:00 – termination of employment

  • The basics of terminating employees (including dismissal and mutual separation) and key issues.
  • Best practices and case law.